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December 30, 2021
3 min read

Autosuggest: The Only Way, or Something

It’s been five years since my last auto-sug­gest poem, “You Are a Sweet Girl” (2016). I won­der how I’ve trained my robot­ic co-author, Siri, dur­ing this inter­im.

RAW TEXT: The only way I could do that was if you want­ed me too I could come and pick it out and then you can come over here if that’s cool and you don’t mind if we go out and have din­ner with your dad or what­ev­er and I could just come and hang with him or you could just hang with me or some­thing and I could come and get it and we can go out to din­ner and hang with my mom or what­ev­er you guys can just go to din­ner and what­ev­er and I don’t have any plans or plans to do any­thing for the rest the rest the rest the week and the week­end but if I don’t want you to be here and you can come and I don’t have any more than one night or some­thing I just want you to go out and then you know I just don’t know if I can come and get some food or what­ev­er I just want you guys to help me out there I just want you can just come and hang with me or some­thing I just want you can do that I just want you can go to sleep with me or some­thing

The Only Way, or Something

The only way I could do that
was if you want­ed. Me too.
I could come and pick it out. And
then you can come over here if
that’s cool.

And you don’t mind if we go out
and have din­ner with your Dad, or
what­ev­er? And I could just come
and hang with him, or you could just
hang with me, or some­thing. And I

could come and get it and we can
go out to din­ner and hang with
my Mom, or what­ev­er. You guys
can just go to din­ner and what­ev­er.
And I don’t have any plans or

plans to do any­thing for the
rest, the rest, the rest…the week and
the week­end, but if I don’t want
you to be here. And you can come
and I don’t have any more than

one night or some­thing, I just want
you to go out and then you know
I just don’t know if I can come
and get some food or what­ev­er.
I just want you guys to help me

out there. I just want you—can just
come and hang with me or some­thing.
I just want you, can do that I
just want you, can go to sleep with
me, or some­thing.

Time to sub­mit to The Paris Review or The New York­er? Hmm.


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